
The hooks are used to intercept the basics events of wizard within the softwares. For exemple, you can create your own sanity check at export.

Alternative text

Here is the default code sample for Maya.

# coding: utf-8
# Wizard hook

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def after_scene_openning(stage_name, string_asset):
  ''' This function is triggered
    when you open the software.

    The "stage_name" argument is the name
    of the exported stage

    The "string_asset" argument is the current
    asset represented as string

    The "scene_path" argument is the scene path,
    if there is no scene, it will be 'None' '''

def after_save(stage_name, string_asset, scene_path):
  ''' This function is triggered
    after an incremental save.

    The "stage_name" argument is the name
    of the exported stage

    The "string_asset" argument is the current
    asset represented as string

    The "scene_path" argument is the saved
    incremental file'''

def sanity(stage_name, string_asset, exported_string_asset):
  ''' This function is triggered
    before the export and will stop the
    export process if the returned data is

    The "stage_name" argument is the name
    of the exported stage

    The "string_asset" argument is the current
    asset represented as string

    The "exported_string_asset" argument is the
    asset wizard will export represented as string'''
  return True

def before_export(stage_name, string_asset, exported_string_asset):
  ''' This function is triggered
    before the export

    The "stage_name" argument is the name
    of the exported stage

    The "string_asset" argument is the current
    asset represented as string

    You can return a list of objects
    that wizard will add to the export

    The "exported_string_asset" argument is the
    asset wizard will export represented as string'''
  return []

def after_export(stage_name, export_dir, string_asset, exported_string_asset):
  ''' This function is triggered
    after the export

    The "stage_name" argument is the name
    of the exported stage

    The "export_dir" argument is the path wher wizard exported the
    file as string

    The "string_asset" argument is the current
    asset represented as string

    The "exported_string_asset" argument is the
    asset wizard just exported represented as string'''

def after_reference(stage_name,
  ''' This function is triggered
    after referencing from wizard

    The "stage_name" argument is the name
    of the exported stage

    The "referenced_stage_name" argument is the name
    of the referenced stage

    The "referenced_files_dir" argument is the directory where the
    referenced files comes from

    The "namespace" argument is the namespace of the reference

    The "new_objects" argument is a list of the new objects added
    to the current scene after the reference

    The "string_asset" argument is the current
    asset represented as string

    The "referenced_string_asset" argument is the
    asset wizard just imported represented as string'''