Asset tracking#

You can track your work, assign tasks to users and assign states to assets with the asset tracking widget.

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Tracking your work on an asset#

Go to the asset tracking widget. In this section you can assign a working time estimation to the current asset.

Click on the Alternative text button.

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Assign a task to a user#

Go to the asset tracking widget. Assign the current task to a specific user by clicking on the users list.

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Assign a state to the current task#

Go to the asset tracking widget. Assign a state to the current task by clicking on the states list.


Wizard will ask you for a comment when you modify the asset state, you can let it blank but it is recommended to enter details.

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When you switch the current state to ‘error’, a small red indicator appears in the project tree. That way you can see all the stage with errors.

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Assign a priority to the current task#

Go to the asset tracking widget. Assign a priority to the current task by clicking on the priorities list.

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When you switch the current priority to high or urgent, the priority indicator appears in the project tree. That way you can see all the stage with high priorities.

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Add a comment#

You can add a comment to the current task by clicking on the Alternative text button.

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Modify the note#

You can the task note ( it can be a brief ) with the Alternative text button.

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Tag a user#

You can tag a user with @<username> or tag everybody with @all Tag your team within the work versions comments, export comments or asset tracking comments.

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The tagged user will receive a notification, all the tags are also stored in the project notification wall.

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